Jun 29, 2008 03:36
I dont even know how to begin. It is so depressing when you know someone who seems cool, and then... Post college life is going to depress the shit out of me, i can tell.
Corpumpkin: thus my happiness when i check my ass out in those jeans is connected to her misery when her paycheck isnt enough for the essentials
gregsometimes: china has completely transformed in the past 20 years
Corpumpkin: yes
gregsometimes: you are probably the only person in the "mall" who thinks that way when they buy clothes
gregsometimes: well its connected by a really long pole then.
Corpumpkin: lol im not, i swear
Corpumpkin: sure
Corpumpkin: and every point on that pole is worthy of interrogation
Corpumpkin: for better or worse
Corpumpkin: this is transnational feminism for you
gregsometimes: yeah well, maybe if i were a woman, i could talk to you about these things
Corpumpkin: thats a terrible excuse
gregsometimes: you want me to care about some chinese lady who made your jeans
Corpumpkin: its a penis, not a gag, you can talk about anything
Corpumpkin: yes i do
gregsometimes: this has nothing to do with reproductive organs
Corpumpkin: i wasnt being literal
gregsometimes: wwell we are talking about gender differences now
Corpumpkin: the fact that you are a man does not prevent you from having concern for womens issues
gregsometimes: all women in the world including China?
Corpumpkin: of course
gregsometimes: they dont even know anything about me
Corpumpkin: why should that matter
gregsometimes: some people dont want people whom they dont know to be concerned about them
gregsometimes: its like brushing a cat against the direction of its fur
gregsometimes: it doesnt like it
gregsometimes: it bites
Corpumpkin: lol oh my oh my
Corpumpkin: yes yes
Corpumpkin: this is where you come into universal feminisms vs. transnational feminisms
gregsometimes: i am not coming into ANY kind of feminisms
gregsometimes: although androgyny is the latest trend, ill just let it pass me by
Corpumpkin: the point you are approaching is a point of contention between the two
Corpumpkin: but why are so emphatic about not coming into ANY kid of feminisms?
gregsometimes: it's just simply not interesting to me
gregsometimes: its the same way i feel about religion
gregsometimes: it is not necessary to think about it
Corpumpkin: oh wow
gregsometimes: ?
Corpumpkin: you arent interested in movements that seek to end sexism and gender oppression?
gregsometimes: not being interested in something, doesnt mean that you are either for or against it.
gregsometimes: I dont believe in judging people by their gender
Corpumpkin: neither do i
Corpumpkin: but other people do, and thats why there are feminisms