Dec 02, 2004 10:06
the last little while has been pretty boring, but i haven't had a real update in ages.
I'm pretty much failing school, and for a few reasons:
1. haven't really tried
2. ever since my cunt mom cheated on my dad and all the drama went down, all i've been doing is getting high every day, aside from the last month or so.
3. i took a bunch of shitty classes with shitty teachers.
this leads me to my next point: the deal with my parents was if i don't do well in school i get kicked the fuck out of the house and have to find my own place, or pay them rent. so my natural thing to do was to turn to a friend and find a place for us to live. done and done. we just need to talk to the apartment manager and put as jacon would say, a "down deposit." if all goes well, i'll have the Z and a place to live. this is all depending though on my application at costco.
so basically i'm hoping sooooo much to get this job at costco. if my aunt pulls through, i'll be set for a while. everyone wish me luck, because if i don't have that, i'm fucked. lol.
have a nice day, i'm getting the eff out.