2009.07.23 ;; David Cook & BoUH feat. Green River Ordinance ;; Washington County Fair (west bend, wi

Jul 26, 2009 22:37

so, guess what time it is? report time! this is my report from the West Bend show on July 23rd. just a warning - some fangirling is in here, and i didn't read it over - so it isn't checked over. sorry, too lazy. lol. anyway, enjoy (if you read it, that is. lol)

side note: videos I link you to are NOT mine. the pictures, are. so, if you use them, PLEASE credit, okay?

The day started at 6:00 in the morning, when the three of us - Allison, Becky, & I - got up in the morning, leaving the house an hour later. The drive to West Bend was uneventful, but not long - about forty minutes or so. When we arrived, we had about ten minutes before the doors opened and we were able to get in, so we waited to get in. When the doors opened, we quickly made our way to the stage. There were three people in front of us who made a break for it, but it wasn’t going to run all the way there. So, we just walked briskly, and ended up in line behind those three people. There were only two people in front of them in our line - there were two lines and maybe five people in that other line as well. So, that began the day of waiting. Of course, it wasn’t grass we were waiting on, but dirt. And, we didn’t have any blankets, so that was fabulous, so we were screwed with sitting (until later when a nice lady lent us two of her blankets to sit on).

Nothing eventful happened till about 11 when the bus arrived, and about a half an hour later, Andy appeared and headed on stage to see how it was going. He was on stage for a good while, and after he got on and off, we finally went and got some food from the fair. There wasn’t too much to choose from, so I just got Cousin’s, and two waters ‘cause I was dying of thirst. But anyway, we went back to the line, and sat and ate. During this time, we had started making a poster. The poster said “I’ve got my backbone stuffed inside my purse, but you can win me over with a Kiss On The Neck”, but I didn’t end up holding it up ‘cause he ended up playing the song first, and I was going to do it if he didn’t (‘cause I know he opened with Heroes once or twice). But, anyway, moving on!

I took a bathroom break, and then came back and Becky said she saw a roadie that looked like David, and I was like, “Oh, cool” and didn’t think much of it. Then, Joey came out and went on stage and started playing around with his bass. As this was going down, we noticed Kyle by the van, and opening the door and out pops Mr. Neal Tiemann, who quickly runs onto the bus, and then Kyle is unloading beer, along with this guy in a cap and a fedora. I was like “HUH?” and then realized, “IT IS DAVE!” XD And, that’s when Becky told me that was the guy she saw before and I was like, “well, that isn’t a roadie”. lol.. So anyway, we saw him unload some beer to the bus, and then get back in the van, and it drove off to the hotel.

After that, again, nothing happened. By this point, the line was getting a little longer, and by this point, our other friend, Amanda and her aunt arrived (they had purple tickets, so they were in the back section while we were in the front section ‘cause we had orange tickets). So, we hung out with her and her aunt while we waited, and as we waited, David came back, wearing a blue plaid shirt and I think I died a little inside. I’ve been dying to see him in plaid, so I got a little excited about that. lol. But, anyway! He went on the bus, and I don’t know when, but later, Joey - I think - came out with a Frisbee and started playing with some crew guys, and then Andy came out, too. Neal did, as well, but didn’t start playing till a little later - he just smoked. XD But, then David came back out with a mitt and started playing baseball with one of the crew guys.

Though, before this happened, and after David went on the bus, he came back out and talked to some guys who I figured we’re from the local radio station - 99.1 WMYX since they had tickets for a meet&greet with him. They interviewed him, and then were leaving, and they came over by our line and were talking to us. The guy was like “I’m Tony, and this is Intern Aaron” and asked us like how long we had been there, and asked us if we listened to the Mix - the radio station - and I was like, “Um, YEA!” and then the two of them came over the fence and started talking to our group, and Tony ended up interviewing me, and asking me to repeat things like “You’re listening to 99.1 WMYX!” and then he talked to Becky, and then I said something about Van, and we was like, “he’s on vacation, so I’m taking over for him this week” and I was like, “you’re on a lot then ‘cause you’re producer Tony” and he’s like “yeah” and I was like, “hey, I was the one who emailed you about your sports theory” and he was like “that was you!?” “yeah!” XD It was pretty awesome. lol. Then, he had a group of us yell things into their recorder about the station, and then left.

Now, we’re back to the baseball and Frisbee playing of David and Co. XD So, of course, we all took a ton of pictures of this. I got a lot of David’s butt since he didn’t really face us, but then as we were doing this, FOX 6, a local news station came around. The news lady asked if any of us wanted to interviewed, and I was like “SURE!” I was already on the radio, why not be on TV? So, she interviewed me and a little bit of it ended up on the news (along with my face during the concert, and like, JUST MY FACE on the screen. rofl). After that was done, we continued to watch them - a lot of great moments happened like David trying to catch the Frisbee with his glove, him hitting the bus with the Frisbee, him throwing his glove to try and hit the Frisbee and baseball, Andy jumping up really high for the Frisbee and catching it - but afer a while, they went into the tent they set up to eat, so that was that. They came out later again, but I just chilled in line to give David and Co. some space and not watching them the whole time. XD

Finally, six o’clock rolled around, and we were let in to the thing. We couldn’t get first row because FOX 6 had it reserved for the people of the meet&greet, and apparently - since I went to get merch at this point - it caused the people in front of us to get really pissed since they were there at 8 and everything (which, we were too, but whatever). So, somebody was like, “well, we’ll give you three seats in the first row then”. They were happy, but the catch? They were on the end - so they had to decide what they wanted, and thankfully - at least, for us - they took those seats, which meant we got dead center second row. FUCKING AWESOME. Anyway! We had to wait another hour and a half before the band, Green River Ordience came on. They were really good; I enjoyed them a lot, and it was pretty funny ‘cause David and Andy were standing off to the side like, the entire set. So, I got to glimpse at them a good number of times. lol.

But, after they were finished, it was time for David Cook & Co…..

SETLIST (in order since I got one after the show. XD)

Kiss On The Neck
Mr. Sensitive
We’re Only Honest When We’re Sleeping
Hot For Teacher
Come Back To Me


Light On
A Daily AntheM

Kiss On The Neck
Always, always a great opener. Of course, he waited a good minute before he began playing it, but that was totally cool. During this time, the news crew was filming and we were caught on camera and put on TV (this wasn’t my solo shot, the three of us and the people in front of us). But, it didn’t matter ‘cause I was totally pumped for the concert, and they all looked amazing. And, of course, David had on the plaid, which had like three or four buttons undone and his cowboy boots on. So yeah, SEX. rofl. During this song, I caught Andy’s eye for a good couple of seconds before he looked away. And, I think this was when the beach ball almost hit me, and I caught David’s eye after it. Like, it went right by my head, and I dodged it, and I looked right at David after it, and his eyes were like, wide like “OMG” because the beach ball almost hit me. lol.

Mr. Sensitive
I knew this song was going to be second - he hasn’t failed me on that since Green Bay all the way back in February. So, not a shocker on this one, but of course, it was just as awesome - if not better - as all the other times. He slammed his guitar with his hand a few times during the bridge, which is completely awesome. And, this was when I got my solo shot (or, we’re pretty sure that is when it is ‘cause he is playing in the backround before the shot, I just can’t read my lips. haha).

Again, another great song live, and it is awesome ‘cause Neal sings, too! And, we know how much I love that man (though, I’m not sure about the pornstash, as we call it).. So, I always enjoy Heroes. Plus, it is upbeat, and gets you going and just has a lot of energy that really gets you into the show.

We're Only Honest When We're Sleeping
David says “goodnight!” and goes to leave, but of course, is kidding. Then, he talks about how the weather is great, and how the girls are wearing not enough, but at the same time, enough so that they can imagine. And, some girl apparently gave an “omg” face, and he was all like. “we really think this” (this isn’t exactly how it goes -this is how it goes) and then says this next song was a song he was going to put on his album that he was recording before Idol and that Neal was producing it, and then he asks if they are going to play the song to Neal. Neal doesn’t say anything, and then he tells Neal to say something. Neal goes, “right”, and that’s the last time you hear him say anything. rofl. But, then he introduces this song, and looks around the audience, and he catches sight of Allison’s Terry poster. It said “I Enjoy The Blue Lights” and has a big picture of Terry in the middle, and then the little K-Mart blue lights around it. He points at it and chuckles before starting the song. It was awesome. lol. Now, by this point, my camera decided to freeze and I could not fix it. So, I lost my camera, and I was little irritated, so it was hard to concentrate on the song ‘cause at first, I wasn’t sure what was happening with my camera, and I was concerned about it. But, what I did enjoy of the song was awesome. I love hearing songs that aren’t released, or are older songs. :)

Of course, beautiful like usual. I never get sick of hearing him sing this song. During it, I called up my friend, Lee, and let her listen to it as I sang along and enjoyed the awesomeness that is this song. He had banter before it, and he talked about what the song was about, and then when he was finished, he was like. “Wow, awesome downer note!” XD Hilarious, as usually.

He told us that all that was a warm up and now we were getting to the real stuff, and he told us we should move around. Maybe sway our hips a little, and he did it, and it was really adorable. :) I think I died a little inside. But, of course, I get into this like hardcore, and Joey noticed me at this point, and I was totally stoked about that. I was like, screaming this song and like, headbanging and everything. Then, David and Neal soloed and I was kind of said ‘cause David went to the left side of the stage (if you’re looking at the stage) and Neal the other instead of standing next to each other like they normally do. Of course, I stared at Neal ‘cause I had been looking at David most of the time anyway, so I need to give Neal some love. lol. XD

Hot for Teacher
This was a complete surprise. To be honest, I had thought he stopped playing it after the college tour since, well, it seemed logical since it was about being hot for, well, a teacher. So, when David was all like “Well, I’ll let Kyle introduce this one”, I almost wet my pants. hahahaha. But, this song is like, fucking hot live since Kyle’s got that drum solo, and Neal’s got that guitar solo and David yelling “CLASS DISMISSED” is just, ugh. Seriously, this song is sex - pure and honest sex. I LOVE IT. XD

This was funny. He says we should give the band a hand, and then gives them a hand as well, and does it for a while before he stops and goes. “I was wondering how long I could do that before it become uncomfortable. Well, I just learned.” lol. And then, he goes, “You guys having a good time?” And everybody just screams, and then he asks if we wanna hear an unreleased song, and again, screaming. But, it wasn’t loud enough ‘cause he goes “that was quieter, I’m a little hurt.” And then asks us again if we want to hear the song, and screams erupt from the crowd, louder this time. Then, he introduces the song and plays it and I honestly, have only listened to the song once, and I thought it was great - and it was even greater live. Even though I don’t know the lyrics, I caught most of them and it is a beautiful song. It is pretty, and I love it.

This song, no matter how many times I hear it, will never get tired of it. It is like, fucking amazing live. I don’t like listening to it on the CD anymore ‘cause it doesn’t sound as cool as a live version. Honestly, any live of this makes me totally pumped and excited, and yeah. Of course, we clapped when he did the clapping, and we all got into it once again.

Come Back to Me
So, maybe some of you have seen the banter about the radioactive necklace? Well, that was my friend’s necklace - she was standing right next to me and he noticed it. And was like, “That’s a fantastic light-up necklace you’re wearing. Is that radioactive, what the hell? I see all these flashes and then I see THAT THING.” hahahahaha. Probably one of the greatest moments, EVER (though, that could be because I’m a little biased. XD) But, then he turns his attention to a girl and say something about wanting a hug, and he repeats the request and it is HILARIOUS. I love the banter before this song ‘cause then he goes on to talk about this being the new single and how you can get it on iTunes and how the price went up - it is just hilarious. Honestly, watch the video if you haven’t yet. You’ll LOL like none other. XD But anyway! Song time! Everyone it seemed was singing, and getting into. I believe (shows are starting to mix together. lol) Joey started clapping, so we all started clapping with him before he started playing. Oh, and at the beginning of the song, David just kept throwing pick after pick at Neal, who just stared blankly back at him before he finally threw one back at him, but totally missed David. rofl. XD Anyway, song was fabulous, as just like every other song. :)

Light On
There was a small break, of course, but when David and Co. came back on, David was giving Kyle a piggy back ride to his drums, and it was ADORABLE. Hard to see, but I did see and was like “AWWWW”. But, after that, he came to the mic stand and was like, “Okay, raise the lights so everyone can see THIS” and alas, there was a big bra sitting on his mic stand. I don’t recall that being thrown up there, but I was watching David and Co. off to the side during the break, so maybe it was thrown on? But, anyway, he looks at it and has NO CLUE what to do with it. So, he picks it up, and apparently, I wasn’t in my right mind and yelled “PUT IT ON” at him (there is a video of this as well - I’m the first one you hear yelling it), and then other’s yelled it, and he said something about there being gum in it and put it on the ground saying he would pick it up later. Then, they started the song and we all sang during the one part, of course, after he asked us if we wanted to sing, like usual. And, like usual, we screamed “yes” and we sang along with him - well, by ourselves while he mouthed it along before starting to sing again.

A Daily AntheM
Of course, the closer was FUCKING AMAZING. Like, I got a little teary-eyed once again - I almost cried during the Chicago performance of it - and I sang along, just like he wanted, as loud as I could. I was like, screaming it almost with him, and of course, waved my hand when he asked, and did the “wo oh” part with him, and when the band was finished and everything. He, once again, looked a little water-eyed as well, and that almost started the tear factory, but I held it all back. When he was done, and threw all the picks out and everything, he ended up picking up that bra I mentioned before, throwing it over his back and walking away. It was hilarious. XD

And, that was the show. After the show, I ran to the stage, and asked for a setlist. The Neal’s was given to somebody else, and I asked for a setlist from this kid that was helping out and he told me “no” and I was like, “fuck you” (in my head), but then one of the stage crew came around, and I was asking him, and so was Allison, so he was reaching out to give the setlist to like, Allison and some other girl was reaching for it, and I was like “FUCK IT” and just reached as far as I could for it and grabbed it. It was David setlist. So, people took pictures, and I held on to it, and then a lady came by with some picks and threw them out. One of them was David’s, and she threw it in my general direction ‘cause I was asking for it, but the guy a little to my right and behind me caught it. So, I turned to her and yelled “I didn’t get it!” and she threw another one at me, and I grabbed it off the ground where it landed right in front of me, and it was Neal’s pick. So, David’s setlist and Neal’s pick were my prizes for the night. We did wait a while to see if David would come out, but he did. Though, I was okay with that - the show was fucking amazing, and most likely, one of the best I’ve ever been to. Even GRO - Green River Ordinance was fucking awesome, and I usually never like the opening band. So, that was a great plus the guitarist, Jamey, is hot, so yay! XD

Yeah, that was the show. Pictures are here again, if you want to see them (look better if you don't make them huge - I don't know what is wrong with photobucket making them massively huge and ugly. ;__;). But, I just wanna post these two -

setlist (yep, Heroes is spelt wrong. lol)

neal’s pick

Though, remember about the pictures that my camera died. So, most of the pictures are of David and Co. before the show, playing around since we all were in line like, fifty feet, not even from them. XD hahaha.

Iowa report - and pictures since I got a ton this show ‘cause my camera didn’t die, yay! - coming soon! :)

the declaration tour (second leg), neal tiemann, joey clement, pictures, july 23rd 2009, neal is fuckin' sexah beast, concert report, andy skib, jamey ice, washington county fair, kyle peek, green river ordinance, david cook, concert

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