NEW YORK (IV) 19.03.2008

Mar 20, 2008 20:18


FANTASTIC. Seriously, the show made me obsessed with Hairspray all over again. XD After the show, I just wanted to pop in the movie and watch it, but of course, couldn't. lol.

The show, like I said, was fantastic. Ashley Angel Parker was suppose to play Link Larkin, but we found out that he had hurt his back on Sunday or something, so we had some guy named Van Huges (I think that was his name. ;__;), but he was fantastic. He kind of sounded like Zac Efron. XD lol. He did a fantastic job, and so did the rest of the cast. We were able to see George Wendt (the guy from the TV show Cheer) because he was playing Edna, and he did an amazing job. Him and the guy who played Wilbur did a great job during their scene You're Timeless to Me. It was really funny. :)

We were actually a lot higher than I thought, but we were kind of centered and we were able to see the whole entire stage, which was so awesome. They set changes were so smooth because everything was sliding in and out and it was just really thrilling to watch. There were a lot of lights flashing and it was so pretty. *____* Anyway, it was REALLY good and I enjoyed watching it so much. It was thrilling and excited and the end was so adorable because they told us to get up and start clapping and dancing. So, of course, the audience did during the last song, You Can't Stop the Beat. Then, we of course, bought some stuff like a signed poster (our money went to a charity), a program and a t-shirt, but of course, I got an extra thing - a I <3 Link Larkin button. XD Also, afterwards the girl who played Tracy came out and Brett got a picture with her and I got a picture with the guy who played Link. See!

I look like a douche, but he looks adorable. ^^ We also got him to sign our programs, 'cause we figured that he hadn't signed the poster.

Anyway! Got to go. Brett has to check his LOST shit 'cause the new episode just ended.
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