^_^ Yay! Conserts and Narnia!

Dec 08, 2005 18:54

Hello my pets! *huggles everyone who bothers to read this* Im finally updating woo!
Well ALOT has gone on since last time. But Sam and I are talking again, ^^ I'm so glad. I missed him alot. I want to take things slowly with him...Go to the movies, out to eat. I want to get to know him again, maybe learn more. I want this to last. I care for him. *sigh* Sometimes. I wonder.....If we could ever be like. Cindy and Hector? I really admire the two. They've been so strong for 2 years, I wonder....
^^ Sorry, just dreaming again. But still...it would be cool. Who knows? No one but God and time. Well, have to go watch Dodgeball for the 300,0000 time ( sweet lord i dislike babysitting ><)
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