
Aug 02, 2011 18:07

Out of Control
Ok, Nachtgarm from Dark Funeral has spotted my guitars in Hamburg Germany. They are apparently going completely insane. They've maxed out my credit cards at bars and strip clubs, and NOW ( this is completely true) ....they are planning on going to Wacken , and actually PLAYING ONSTAGE without me!!! They are also gonna be on TWO German TV networks in a documentary. I swear this is true, andf will have movies to prove it soon. If anyone sees them, try to get them back in their cases and into rehab. If you can't do that, try to get my credit card back, the black custom shop double RR has it. This has to stop.

Автор: Ralph Santolla (компания Jackson Guitars)

(c), news, скандалы_интриги_расследования, metal, repost, fb

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