Don't think I'm a bad person for posting this

Aug 30, 2005 00:26

Goddamn LiveJournal. I find the most horrifying, gouge-your-eyes-out kind of shit on here. Last week it was the poor man from Washington fucked to death by a horse (on video no less), this week it's Brian_Peppers  and the Goddess Bunny.

First, Brian Peppers is a registered sex offender in Ohio.

The pitiful creature has found himself the subject of creepy internet idolatry, with scores of websites and communities out there dedicated to his visage. Several of the sites posted prank calls, while others describe their near-encounters with "B Pepz" at his apartment (apparently he has plastic sheeting over his windows and never answers the door.)

Now for the Goddess Bunny.

I don't know much about her, except she was born with polio and suffered abuse at the hands of several caretakers throughout her life. Yet her startling tenacity has made her a cult figure in Hollywood as an entertainer who goes by the name Miss Crisp, though many know her as the Goddess Bunny.

Watch this video to get a glimpse of Miss Crisp in action:


Absolutely mesmerizing.
Clearly, there is something to be learned for all humanity. Perhaps inside each of us, there is a Goddess Bunny or a Brian Peppers-- a socially awkward monstrosity cruelly judged by others, wanting nothing more than someone to love. Or perhaps they represent poles of social adaptation, an Ida and Pingala if you will of freakhood. One pole represents the enduring will to do good and outshine any obstacle (Bunny); the other represents the entropic dissolution of self-control and complete abandonment to depravity (B Pepz). Aye, perhaps more than a mere social oddity, these two icons of human spirit are emblematic of spiritual yearning. I could meditate on it for days.
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