Jan 31, 2003 01:04
when you watch people throw their lives away what are you supposed to say when you dont even know them anymore.
standing by the sidelines makes my heart skip a beat.
i'm done my exams wahoo! i watched television for five hours straight, it felt nice... knowing that i messed up my future in two weeks time but hey it was a long time running, all those years doing nothing.. .yee haw!
hey mercedes is coming to town too
i've noticed journals are for complaining. complaining is fun really. and i write in fragments. braceface is the best cartoon ever, its one of those coming of age shows about her problems and boys and puberty but its funny...gehehhe.... wow its hot in my room. or maybe its just me... meOW...
i broke another lightbulb again, i always do this. i just broke it last week. i have some weird electrostatic current running though my body,.
think i'm taking my day off and heading downtown to the ROM, cause the zoo is so expensive. 17 bucks my ass. bastards. charging people for oogling at animals. pah.