(no subject)

Feb 26, 2008 11:28

Last night, I traveled up to Butler University to see Michael Pollan's (of The Omnivore's Dilemma, In Defense of Food, and Botany of Desire) lecture. He spoke about the problem of re-worked "health food," the next cure-all nutrient (currently Omega-3 fatty acids), and the next evil nutrient (Omega-6). He also talked at length about farmer's markets, the merits of vegetables, and various "eating algorithms" by which to live one's life. For example:

- shop around the periphery of the store
- shop in places where no re-worked/fortified food is sold
- don't eat anything your grandmother wouldn't recognize as food (Go-gurt anyone?)
- don't eat anything that will never rot

In short, he was fabulous and I had a total geeky, fangirl moment. After the talk, he did a booksigning, so I had him sign my copy of The Omnivore's Dilemma. The people I had gone with (the core group of people trying to start a Slow Food movement at IU) had brought a camera and asked him to take a picture with us. I managed to squeeze in. Right before the picture was taken, however, Pollan yelled "WAIT! I want the purple hair next to me!"

Cutest. Thing. Ever.

Now I just want to meet Peter Singer (and Jim Mason), then my list of amazing food authors will be nearly complete (but still lacking Sandor Ellix Katz.)
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