Well, first we went to the beach and Sylvia and Kuba have pics of that. It was fun times, except for when i lost at baggos, and when we got a parking ticket. Yuriy was all like "dont park here" but they did it anyways. Why am I always right? I'm not sure. Anyways, then we went and cleaned up and had us a good ol' fashioned bbq on my deck. At first it was just me, then sylvia and jay came. Jay is a professional teriyaki style chef and grilled some mean burgers. Then Jacob, Tommy, Adrian, and Brett came, followed my mollie, carrie, stephanie, gianna, and some one else i think that i might be forgeting. maybe not. So we ate, played more baggos, had some delicious watermelon, and then brett had to go pack and everyone left, so i watched harold and kumar with gianna, and it was good times... so heres some pictures. PLUS SOME PROM PICTURES OH MYGAWD.
the trifecta of gayness:
Mollie, why cant you just smile for once like im'm doin'?!
and now a collection of pictures i call "the XTREMEness of frisbee-ing"
now a few from prom
gnomeland security...lols jay!
michelle had to google this to find out how to pin flowers