Sep 11, 2006 19:25
anyways, so...
man i'm so terrible at updating, its as if as soon as i open the browser i totally think that i have nothing to write about. Which is a lie becuase clearly i have a huge shitload of stuff going on, and it may have something to do something with that fact that i moved across the COUNTRY!
serioulsy, i need to get it together, so from the beginning:
oreintation started i met my crazy don(lady/girl in charge of my floor) and some pretty cool girls, a lot of which are from vancouver, which i find horribly ironic.
me and khalela realized we are both incredibly lazy and foster such behaviour in eachother, example: deciding to skip breakfast, and whatever is after that in favour of sleeping in, then maybe doing something and then returning for a good three hour nap, and then staying up/ out really late so as to repeat the cycle to perfection.
its quite amazing how well suited we are in these awesome qualities, and how much fun we've been having just hanging around and making fun of eachother or, mostly other people.
one of my floormates (who is extremely energetic, and named anna funk) just ran in here becuase she was so nervous about auditioning for the musical and has now convinced me that im seriously going to attempt to be in it, its so weird because the play is Into the Woods which i was in when i was 13 and was the last real theatre thing i did.
ok, so, have hung out with alyssa numerous times, made weird posters in which to entertain all, went to dinner, went to parties, dances(yes dances) got "creamed" and hazed for Frosh week met and incredible guy, who i will now never, never, mention again. ahem.
got in trouble with the weird don, ran around downtown in the middle of the night, jumped in the lake, found hidden rooms, walked fro hours, was completely exhausted, went for grocery runs, got rained on, laughed at khalela's urination habits, was thoroughly embarrassed solve peoples computer problems which was really bizarre.
and in short, had a really awesome time, its odd becuase so much has happened in just a week to the point where its hard to even think of it all, and i've left a lot out, and didn't mention a lot of awesome people, but its all right to just leave it here with a "im pretty content."
...oh and i broke my bed twice.