Crawling out from under the work pile.

Sep 08, 2012 15:48

Thought it was about time I posted, although to be honest I seem to be on Facebook more often than not. LJ does seem to be something of a ghost town for me these days, but posting still gives me the oppotunity to avoid real work so here I am again!

Writing is backing up somewhat, but I'm gradually getting on top of things.
My Open University course now only requires me to write the exam piece.
I say only, as essentially your mark is the worst of either the coursework or exam.
So I have 5,000 words to prove or screw up what I've worked on for the last 8 months.
That still seems rather shitty to me, as doing well in one area doesn't help to balence a bad mark on the other. If you get As on your assignment but get a C on the exam, your mark is a C for the course and vice versa. Surely an average that gave you a B would be a better and fairer result.

Anyway, thats not going to change before I do the exam so I'd best get my act together.
This is my last OU course anyway and then I'll have finally completed a degree.
While I am taking a break I'm very tempted to do a Masters. However, most annoyingly the OU offered a Masters in Religion but have now canned it. I'm not sure any other university will be as good as the OU so we'll have to see.

I've also finally finished Underneath the Lamplight for Airship Pirates.
This has been kicking my arse for ages but I'm really pleased with the final result.

Kuro is also nearly done, and the cover by the fabulous Paul Bourne looks like this:

I'm really enjoying working on the 7th Circle translations,
they have some fabulous games and they look gorgeous.
we've built a great translation team too so things are really gearing up.

All this lets me finally get down to writing an adventure for Grim and his amazing game 'ImagiNation'. This is something else I should have done ages ago but it had to slide lower on the pile under the other overdue stuff! Having read the game in draft form I have to say, you want a copy. Not only is it damn fine work but its going to a good cause as well.
Take a look at it here:
and on Grim's blog here:

Once those are done, probably not before the end of October, I can finally get back to Manners and Monstrosities, my Jane Austen game. I've wanted to really immerse in Jane Austen while writing it so I've put it on hold until I can get the time again. I may do a Kickstarter for it to get more art for the book and to test out Kickstarter. However their promise of opening to the UK doesn't seem to be quite there yet. We'll see in October.

I'll also be able to get back to some Doctor Who rpg writing as I've had another assignment I'm sharing with the marvellous Walt Ciechnowski. Probably can't say much at the moment as its not announced, but it lets me write up my favourite companion (Romana) and my favourite episode (Warrior's Gate) so huzzah!

In the midst of all this my real work is very busy with another production of Bravo 22, the wounded soldiers theatre show. We've also got a break in 'One Man Two Guv'nors' for 2 weeks and a new show 'Private Peaceful' coming in to fill the gap.

I'll be glad when we've got September done with!

Of course, as always, Skyrim may well screw up that plan.
I am still addicted, and now with Hearthfire on the way for the PC I can actually live there.
I'd say it is stealing my soul, but that ship sailed a long time ago.

exams, links, religion, pointless waffle, jane austen, news, writing, skyrim, open university, gaming

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