♘ hmd.

Aug 26, 2020 04:26

player: robyn :: synergizing
contact info: plurk: ruiner
aim: limits breaking
anon :: on screening :: on ip-logging :: off

This is a concrit/praise post for Utena Tenjou of Revolutionary Girl Utena as played in miscellaneous museboxes. Anon is always on, and IP logging is always off.

I ask that you remember to keep your crit constructive, as flames will be ignored.

This doubles as a contact post, so any general rp advice/crit, questions about tags, or thread/plotting stuff you want to work out is welcome as well. Screening is on as a default, but will be removed upon request. If you'd like me to respond to anything, just put RESPOND in the subject line, I'll remove the screening and we can talk it out.


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