The case of an old post that is still relevent.

Mar 15, 2013 20:51

This is so awesome.  Someone found my underused Livejournal account and decided to post hate mail regarding an entry from a year and a half ago. Then, I realized how relevant the original entry still was, so even more awesome.  How did they even find my journal?

Somebody replied to your LiveJournal post in which you said:

The always awesome Bev posted this on THaB.

There are 3 certainties in life: death, taxes, and something's wrong with Sam.
The first two I actually care about.

Thanks for the laugh this morning.

Their reply was:

Yeah, it's so hilarious when Deangirls openly hate one half of the show (that would be Sam, since you're obviously a moron and need to have obvious things explained to you) especially when Sam is Dean's soulmate.


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