(no subject)

May 27, 2006 00:31

Hello my friends we meet again :)

Looks like I need to update some pics huh? Maybe tomorrow.....I have tomorrow off and I might go to work for over-time....or I might just go to the beach and soak up the sun. I want to find a big umbrella though so Khayia can chill without that big bright ball of cancery goodness beating down on her new baby skin constantly. Omg Khayia....she's more or less got the geist of crawling now. It's so amazing watching the "mini-me" cruising around on the floor. She's so fast too! I put her down for a moment and she's off like a thief in the night. Crazy!!! And she's began pulling herself up on things like my bed and my mom's couch and the stairs (no i don't let her crawl up stairs by herself.. i'm right behind her!). Those of you with kids probably know what i'm talking about. It's so insane watching your baby grow up and all their new experiences.

Um in other words it's been busy. Between work and being a single mom (which in itself is a full time job as well, I had no idea, kudo's to all the single mom's out there!) I just don't have time much for anything else......except the once a week shopping trip. Oh and I got way sick this week and was coughing constantly and a dripping nose as well as stuffy ears. Too fun. I don't wish it on anyone.

I am in need of food right now. Easy mac rocks my world! and hope everyone has a fabulous memorial day weekend! BBQ man that's the way to do it. BBQ porterhouse steaks. Hellllz yeah.Okay I seriously gotta go eat I love you guys hope everyone is doing well.
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