Thank you, dear! ♥

Nov 27, 2012 15:00

My account was created on 2010-10-16, primarily used for Heroes slash. I read All/Peter fics, like Nathan/Peter, Sylar/Peter, Adam/Peter, etc. And after half a year's happy Heroes slashing, I got distracted and nearly forgot this account. Yet I started reading Draco/Harry fics since last year's September and that was like, wow, a brand new start for my livejournal life. :D
To me, I think it's the wonderful fests attracting me the most. But not until this year's January, the 2nd dracotops_harry fest, did I begin anticipating these lovely fests. Let me think... So far

I have prompted for 10 fests:
If I get it right, I have 35 prompts, give or take:
dracotops_harry 1
harrydracompreg 5
hp_fanart_fest 3
serpentinelion 1
hptimetravel 3
wizsprogs 4
hd_fan_fair 2
hp_creatures 5
hp_sexstars 4
do_me_veela 7
And I'm such a lucky girl, I have got 9 fics/arts, 4 more coming up:
hp_fanart_fest 1
serpentinelion 1
hptimetravel 1
wizsprogs 2
hd_fan_fair 1
hp_creatures 2
hp_sexstars 1

I can't tell you how happy I am every time I see one of my prompts had been turned into a wonderful piece of art/fic!  ♥♥♥ Thank you, furere22, epithalamium, verumficta, freakingcrups, tigersilver, birdsofshore, hanyou_sensei, moirae59 and a not-revealed-yet mystery author!

And thank you nightlo and fushiforever ! Your Pumpkin Cookies are the best! ♥♥♥

♥ thank-you ♥, | pieces |

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