Mar 29, 2006 16:09
wow. Last night was by far the greatest night I have had so far in my 20 years of life. Last night was the Fall Out Boy Black Clouds and Underdog Tour and it was freaking amazing. We got there like 3 hours early and the line to get in was insane. It had so many twists it took us forever to actually find the end. The wait felt honestly felt like forever but it was so cool seeing all the people out there and looking at the tour buses. Some people behind us went into raptures when they thought they found Hawthorn Heights bus lol it was hilarious. When we finally got in I was so freakin excited. The long wait standing doing nothing more than shuffling 5 feet a minute was definitly worth it. ALL of the bands that performed were awesome. Hawthorne Heights was fun and sounded great and I LOVED All American Rejects thanks to their shout out to El Paso. Apparently something happened one time when they were in town to cause them to call El Paso their "favorite city in the U.S." lol you should have heard the crowd, they went nuts. Besides loving us, they were a lot of fun on stage and the music was great....then came Fall Out Boy. I was so excited when they finally got on stage I felt like I had reverted back to 13 years old. Once they got on stage and starting playing..Wow. They were so energetic, jumping all over the stage, twisting and spinning, it was freakin awesome. Pete was hilarious when he talked, and used the "f" word more times than I have ever heard before in under an hour lol. He was cool and all but I personally would have loved to hear Patrick talking more since a) he's the lead singer and b) I am in love with him. lol anyway, we got t-shirts and all that which was cool. I was freakin shocked with how low the prices were compared to what I thought they would be. When we were walking back to the car, Patrick and I spotted a group of people crowding around the buses and yelling; we ran over and we MAY (may being the operative word) have seen someone from All American Rejects getting on his bus, laughing and waving at us. Eventually some guy got rid of all of us but it was still a rush lol. Anyway, once we got to the car I was exhausted but extremely happy. It may sound horribly corny but it was seriously one of my best nights ever. I had so much fun and there is something about them that makes you want to see them again. Kinda like a drug lol. We got home late and I had to wake up about 5 hours later but thats okay. I grabbed some starbucks and was able to stay awake during all my I had the added excitement still running through me from the concert. All I can say is the next time they get anywhere near here I will be there. Well I think that is all for now lol. Take care everyone and happy cesar chavez day :P