Jan 22, 2006 01:19
Ok kids, its time for that obligatory "Before the Semester Entry" and quite possibly the only entry with content for this next semester.
The semester starts on Tuesday, and for the most part I have almost everything ready. I purchased two new sets of scrubs with plenty of pockets, i have my parking permit (well, the temporary one) in my car, and my new backpack with loads of pockets for my laptop and books. What I don't have are the new books and the course readers. I'll get those when time calls for it, but for now, I'll just stick with what i got for now, and i just get minor stuff, and i'm ready for school.
I'm sick. I've been taking arthritis medication which essentially supresses my immune system so that my psoriasis slows down and stops affecting my joints. For the most part, its been working out very well. I've become the last Zambrano in the house to have a weekly pill box because yes, i have that many pills. Every tuesday i need to take 8 tablets of Methotrexate and every other tuesday i need to inject myself with Humira. Its drastic, it helps. thats all that matters. Top that off with one tablet of Prednisone per day to cure my trigger finger which i thought would linger till i get it surgically fixed, but lo and behold i avoided the knife another day.
Back to the story at hand, because my immune system is, for lack of a better phrase, shot to shit, I've gotten sick. The last time I was sick was during the last around of midterms before finals. That was bad. Now i'm sick again with the same symptoms. Keep in mind, i was previously immunized for the flu on November 8.
I don't know what got me sick exactly, but I've narrowed it down to my trip to Tahoe from Jan 12-15. Went to the casinos and played around in the snow. I'm sure that'll make me sick, since the cold makes you more susceptible to getting sick, and casinos hold a lot of sickies (people think you get sick BECAUSE of the cold, but theory told me that it actually just makes you more susceptible).
Snowboarding is fun. I can manage now, so the next time I go, I'd like to hit the other slopes. Thanks suzette and elvin for being good and patient teachers.
Somebody, steal me a trach kit please.
My Schedule is as follows:
NURS125 Theory 3:00-4:50
NURS133 Process 11:00-12:50
NURS155 Skills 2:00-4:50
NURS125 Theory 11:00-12:50
NURS145 Clinical @ Washington Hospital 7:00-2:00
NURS145 Clinical @ Washington Hospital 7:00-2:00
That schedule is much much better, seeing that i only need to spend 3 of my 5 days in San Jose, and the last two close to home. And the only reason i'd go to SJ on thursday or friday is to hit up the night life (which, if you didn't know, i can't even drink cause of the arthritis medicines.)
Yea, so i'm done updating. Everything worth saying online has been said. Everything else that doesn't need to be publically broadcasted over the internet, won't be. If you don't know, then you don't. If you do, then good. :-D