it took me 3 days to meet her... and the only chance I found was during the last concert of the last day!! and Boys Noize is no really the best music to see sparks fly.
I'm convincing myself that maybe I fall for these unattainable people as a defense mechanism against rejection. if can't have them in the first place, there no chance of hearing the "no"
I'm convincing myself that maybe I fall for these unattainable people as a defense mechanism against rejection. if can't have them in the first place, there no chance of hearing the "no"
...but I like her so so so much!
e porque depois não sei como me fazer notar, como me aproximar sem me atirar de cabeça, como fazer qualquer abordagem...
e porque ela trabalha tb na Abreu.
e porque sou socialmente inadaptado (e ninguém acredita quando o digo).
e porque realmente tenho um enorme medo da rejeição
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