Apr 25, 2005 08:52
i got taken on a date.
in 5 years of relationship i'm not sure if we've ever officially been on a date. when you're 15, there's not many places you can go except the cinema (although i do recall some double date thing where Bill ended up spending half the film being sick in the bathroom), so you just end up at each others houses or parties. as you grow up and spend most of your free time together it seems silly to go somewhere separately only to meet up again, but it was one of those you-are-going-back-tomorrow things and we needed some displacement activity.
funnily enough considering this boy knows my wardrobe inside and out, it took me ages to decide what to wear - his lasting impression of me certainly wasn't of my outfit but I wanted to try. as per, i got to the cinema stupid early and sat around, having paid an extortianate amount for tickets, watching the south London yuppy community go about their friday night. he arrives puffing slightly, having jogged from the bus stop so not to miss the previews, with a new haircut which is duly admired while we smile shyly at each other. in our seats we regale each other with tales of our day and hold hands tightly not letting go. i know it wasn't reviewed so well, but i liked Melinda and Melinda esp the cast - it was so woody allen it was unmistakable. afterwards a tipple in the bar where his 'cool' friend from uni is oddly working so we get to meet and exchange pleasantries and he and she catch up. bundled down in the cooler air for enormous pizzas amongst a throng of yuppies, ravenously hungry but talking a mile-a-minute. bundled up together on the bus, nose kisses and bed. trying to ignore that achey feeling