Sep 15, 2006 23:42
my recent encounters with mainstream music's callousness, lack of depth, and overall terrible sound have left me craving the times when i didnt have to make plans on the weekend because i knew at least one night would be taken by visiting either the eastland, washington lanes, flint local, BCC&T, or various other venues that hosted local music. this blog is not to speak out against what the scene has become, as it still seems vastly popular among people who enjoy what music is being displayed there, but is it just me, or have different events transpiring recently led to a revolution in what i used to view as "the scene"? I am not knocking the local bands who are presently working hard to create new pieces, as i was in a band once and can totally understand what it means and what it meant to work hard trying to achieve that next bit of happiness and satisfaction with the work presented. I would like to, rather, express my lamentations for and reasons for having a falling out with the "scene." Perhaps it is my own bitterness against not performing in a multiple person band since December 23, 2004, or it could be that Vince Dynamic had broken up, then again, could it be the music style being played does not suit my current tastes? I will not make this blog one channelled, picking on any specific reason for my disagreement with the scene, but on the contrary, provide different viewpoints and reasons as i try to formulate a reason for my disengagement, as I am still at odds with myself over what has changed. First off, many may know i have associated myself with local bands in the past, either as an ally or fan or critic, and many times developed my own desire to follow these bands. It is, as with any sort of fan-ship, when a band departs the scene I try to find some sort of replacement to satisfy my desires for entertainment and social interaction. I have not found anything to keep me into the scene. I still like specific bands, but the atmosphere is not the same. Strictly my love for music is not enough to draw me to go to any one of these shows, not to mention the social actions of some people at these shows. I feel almost as if people who go to these shows are going strictly for the social interaction or shock factor and not merely to see the bands or for the love of music. Alas, perhaps my views of local music is bent. Perhaps the reason why it exists is to provide a different medium of interaction for people of different ages. During the last few shows i had been to (in the early part of this year) i began to notice my feeling that most of the people i saw were closed to the fact that there are other genres outside of what view as "good music." I do not like to restrict myself to any one genre, however when shows are dominated by one type of music, i feel it becomes overrun and watered down. This applies to all genres. In terms of the closed minded aspect of the viewers, there was an excellent band i'd classify as progressive rock with a touch of ambient from out of state at a show. My review of their performance is not based soley upon my own opinions, but rather a collection of opinions from my other musically appreciative friends. They played 2nd or 3rd after bands of the local variety, but as soon as this band played and established their sound, i noticed people leaving...not only were people leaving, but i heard comments being made about how "dumb this stuff" sounded--this is not restricted to just this one instance, there is another example i will point out later. Likewise, the fact that half of the crowd had not even returned after the previous band had played helped reinforce my notion that these people were here not to see music, but for somthing else. Sure, a viewer may have acquaintances in the group playing, but in a true appreciation for music who is playing is not the issue. Regardless, i was dissapointed in the fact that these people would not even lend an ear to this band whom had traveled from out of state. But perhaps this is the only reason why these unadoring "fans" come to shows...and if thats how it is, then this blog dedicated to musical appreciation and my detachment is meaningless. I do hope that this next example enforces my overall opinion, it deals with the departure of the experimental and electronic genre from this area's scene. You may still beleive those genres exist in this area, but i can say that it has been driven out strictly from my knowledge acquired in talking to different artists not only from the electronic and experimental scene, but also from other genres. I am trying to leave out as many of my constituents as possible from this blog for the sake of naming names, but you can draw your own conclusions when i speak of groups leaving the area. One prime example was the treatment of one where i observed an electronic/expermental group performing, all the while people were mocking them and laughing at what they were doing. This was at a variety show where all sorts of genres were involved, but it seemed only this type of music illicited this type of reaction. Needless to say such actions are childish, and were committed by people who appeared younger, but the point still stands. It is in going to shows centered around these types of genres that i found people who truely cared about music, no matter what it sounded like. In discussing one of my poor "performing experimental genre" experiences and other band experiences with different people, I definately could see different appreciations. Some of the unadoring variety merely shrugged off my stories and laughed showing no understanding at all, others did show some sort of appreciation and support, then many of the people in local groups i had discussed this with seemed to truly possess and understanding. It was after the three former events that i began to form this opinion of their being true music lovers and others who are around for the social prize. with that in mind i think im going to the esperantos cd release party.