Oct 19, 2009 03:23
The past two weekends I've managed to not hangout with two groups of friends for no reason. 2 weeks ago i didn't go to the beach with some of my college friends, probably would have been fun, but didn't go because I needed to do homework, which i didn't end up doing anyway and did the pseudo space out thing that I do alot, ended up doing about 3 hours of work, then played couple games of lol, said i was going to bed, but ended up watching a movie and going to bed very late. This weekend i managed to do the same thing in regards to gabe/becka's risk party, which i said i have too much work, and once again didn't end up doing it. So apparently I'm incapable of doing school work as I am at keeping a social life. And you might ask what i do then on weekends if i'm not doing either HW or hanging out? to tell you the truth, half the time i don't even know, and the other half is sleep. probably spend more time asleep on the weekend then awake. My weekends, like my weekdays, are so blurry that i can never sit down and do anything, I end sort of wandering through my house, eventually ending up back in my room and staring at my computer screen, sometimes checking facebook or LJ or reading random shit, but just as much of that as just looking blankly at the screen listening to music. Anyway, back to shit i should have done yesterday.