imposters...'nuff said!

Aug 18, 2005 20:57

well, it's that time again kids. time for another entry.
i enjoy being home with my mother. my dad went to georgia today and got back just a few minutes ago, so mom and i had to get supper tonight because she doesn't want to cook for two people.(rossi is in L.A.) so i called her after spangle and asked her if she would mind if i had soup and a grilled cheese for dinner, and of course she said "yes" and then said she would fix it for me. she fixed what i believe was the best grilled cheese she has EVER made. then, i got my homework done before 8, i know, shock of all shocks, and then we went to sonic where i got a cookie dough BLAST! i love my mom.

you know, it's funny, i used to hate to eat soup unless i was sick because it made me feel sick. now, i eat it a lot, and it makes me happy and warm inside.

today wendy had a picture of jordan and me with spoons on our noses from her birthday party in 7th grade. it was GREAT! i think it's going on the senior slideshow. dee used to throw some rockin' awesome parties. BATTLE OF THE BALL! still among some of my fondest childhood memories! gah that was a fun game two years in a row! HOLLA BACK HUNGRY-HUNGRY HIPPOS!

i think the gracer and i are painting this weekend, FINALLY!

TWO FIRE DRILLS IN A ROW TODAY! i think that's a new record. two fire trucks=two perfectly good reasons to jump up and down in glee! i love

i love sporks!
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