Dec 04, 2004 18:56
OK im back on the train...It was a very good event. They arent really classical musitians, but they are very good and very entertaining. Its fun to play with them because of that. I am so tierd though, cause my Idea of using a Flute, flipfolder holder was a disaster. I just wound up hunching over lol.
I am getting ready for my concert tommorow, I dont feel ready. But I know I know it very well, I gusse I am just stressed cause I dont REALLY know my new horn yet. I am getting a new mouthpeice cup but I dont know how much I will like it. There are two parts to it, I will see how the high regester feels, and how dark it makes my sound. Its alot to think about. ANYWAY, my concert is at 2PM tommorow at Carnigie Hall.
I am looking out the window of the train and I see theise big buildings, it feels like I am flying cause the Brahms (1st Movment) is sooo pretty.
Yesterday I saw more blind people then I could count, maby like 10 or so. That is a TON if u think about it. Like I never see blind people. And the last thing I did was help this one guy find his glasses in the street cause he could not see. It was really sad but I found them for him. They were behind a fire Hidrent he would of never found them there.
I wasent happy about how I played today at the gig. I mean I did well but not perfict like I want. There is no reason I cant play all that stuff perfictly sight reading. It was all easy Salvation army Stuff. Bill is a good guy, I look to have a long relasionship with him. I am still wearing the Yellow Jacket he had us all wear as a uniform cause it was REALLY cold out.
I am listinging to this orchestra (look at the bottom) they are sooo cool does anyone know anythinng anbout them?? Very loud and bright horns, just as I like it...:-) It will always be a fusteration for me, I love that open F horn loud raspyness (RAAAAAAAA) heheh
I have to say I am sorry for all this bad spelling but I just write this really fast, it also leads to randomness (I just say wahts on my mind) so I say I am sorry about that too.
I am listening to SOLO "X" at the end of the first movment, It can be so terifying to play, I gusse it is why i get the solo bow?? I hate them, cause everyone puts so much into it. And at the high school level it is just retarted cause all the kids get jelous and then when little jimmy didnt get the solo bow for his one solo note he held out for 2 seconds getts pissed off and starts screaming, we know that is not good. This is why I hate them. Its like how do u regulate who gets it?? OK we are getting into grand central. ttyl