Going to the Ballard Art Walk tonight?
Come celebrate with Live Girls Theater...
Live Girls! picks a theme and packs in all the talented ladies we can fit into one night. Comedy, music, improv, chick fights, skits, readings, new talent, trusted favorites, and fine fine prizes.
Who could ask for more?
In the Theater at 9:30pm-
The Live Girls! explore their connection to the world of butt-rock in
The Live Girls! ROCKIN’ Cabaret.
In the gallery, reception 6-9pm-
Photo show from Laurie Matanich, a photojournalist living in Chehalis, WA.
In this exhibit, the subject is teen pregnancy, a story of a young girl struggling with impending motherhood. With unusual sensitivity, these images touch on the many aspects of motherhood and when it comes too soon for young women. Laurie is an accomplished wedding photographer and photojournalist who shoots editorial assignments for the Associated Press and Getty Images, and has held staff positions at the Kalamazoo Gazette, in Kalamazoo, WA, and The Chronicle, in Centralia, WA.