Dec 12, 2005 15:21
So in the middle of my attempting to write my 12-page Anth term paper last night (which by the way turned out just fine, and I even got two and half hours of sleep too!), Al and I were having an IM conversation and I let it slip that I have a completely defunct livejournal. And then, since it was 3am, I allowed him to sucker me into an updating contesty-thingy. So when I update, he will, and when he updates I will. 'Cause I just have so much spare time for this.
And why do I have so much spare time? For those who aren't currently up on my life, this semester has consisted of a full course load, including University Chorus, Chamber Choir, Early Music Ensemble, and voice lessons, so lots of performances, plus business managing Rather Be Giraffes, and two jobs and an internship. And at the moment David is visiting, and I have no time for him at all. I'm currently grabbing five minutes at work while my boss isn't here, since I wouldn't get anything productive done before Chamber Choir anyway.
But yeah... I don't really have much to say just at the moment except that Al is evil. Also, he should not have two-hour intense IM conversations with me when I'm trying to write a term paper at the last minute. Even when I tell him not to go away... he should ignore me and do what's really in my best interests. Thus Al is evil.
The only other big news at the moment is that RBG has decided that I get to sing Girlyman's "Speechless" for my senior solo. That is my favorite band ever, and one of my favorites of their songs, and it has incredibly pretty harmony and I'm crazy excited to get to sing it. Ooh so pretty...
Must go to Chamber Choir now...