
Feb 08, 2009 16:01

I think my blood pressure is way down. Is very tired and get dizzy when I stand. Still I did manage to finish another lecture. Yay. I'm nearly done revamping these anatomy notes to construct the nursing anatomy class. Lots of typing though and LOTS of lab hours which has irritated my bad hand. Another little ganglion cyst has developed in my middle finger. I'll need to take a needle after the bugger.

I can't believe it's like 60 something today. I can not believe that last week seventy some people died under ice and cold. It looks like April out there. (speaking of natural diasters, give a little moments prayer to Australia right now)

Been working on a lot of writing. I think I finally have Riding with Strangers almost in the shape I want to send it off in. Found about 100 more things I want to change in Machiavelli Moon. Sigh. AND I finally revamped that holiday gift chapter of Hyperion’s Son. If you missed it in December, have a look at the better version.

oddly the music on Sirius right now sums up what I should be writing next

ats, btvs

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