The Good - Got a package of bulbs from evil_litt_dog
The annoying - Dear twit at the laundromat. Yes sir, I know you wanted back to your seat but it's in front of the only two dryers still open so you had to wait. Standing super close and glaring obviously wasn't working for you. Learn to behave in public. The more you glare, the slower I purposely go.
The really annoying - There was a pumpkin tragedy today. When i got home my pumpkin (which is only two weeks old and bought while still green) collapsed in on itself vomiting up a quart of stinky pumpkin juice all over my porch. I didn't have time to clean it before I went to the laundromat. When I got back, it added insult to injury by leaping off the porch by a foot to land in the middle of the sidewalk forcing me to pick up hot rotten pumpkin guts. Happy Freaking Halloween to me.