I did the sharing some of his wisdom as usual and as for the other thing happening today, all I want to say is I stepped outside and hell had frozen over, probably in response to Americans relecting the cruel orange idiot. Other than that I paid him no mind because he wants attention so he got none from me.
I got up at 7 Am to the screaming of a certain furry bastard deciding I need to eat now. I looked at my phone and the sheriff in Jackson county had put us on a don't travel unless necessary alert. I look outside and said there's like no new snow but maybe north of me (where I'd be going) was bad so I had to wait until 8 to cancel today.
I did keep my endocrinology appointment only to be there three hours because of the weirdness of the new patient there before me. Sigh. She showed me how to change the alarms on my dexcom unit. It is not going to alarm until it goes to 290 so it quits pestering the shit out of me. I asked for new meds like ozempic (which I can't tolerate) but everything isn't covered by my insurance. Everything is 900-1000 a month. I can't afford that. sigh.
Let's continue with the Music Monday and we're sharing songs that contain a certain color. Since we finished the rainbow, let's pick up colors not on the rainbow. Today we're doing grey and mostly only because of the Grateful Dead. I need to think of a new theme to take over from this. feel free to suggest one. Feel free to chime in with your favorite song(s) that follow the weekly letter. Hit me with your favs. I love hearing new music or revisiting older pieces.
This is probably my favorite dead song
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and weird one from Fleetwood Mac
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and this one's for evil little dog
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