I don't have a costco within nearly 100 miles of me so I went today. I got my tires there. I'm now much poorer. I also took a peek at Best Buy to get an idea about a computer. I want/need a new desktop.
From there I got some big lace for my new hat. I have too many steampunk hats so now I'm making more. Makes sense I'm sure.
Dad did get his brother into the home but not until nearly 6 pm tonight. I'll go tomorrow before i leave because it'll probably be the last time I'll see him.
I leave for home on Thursday so I can get there just before the new band of snow storms (with my luck that's when the power goes out)
In today's idiocy I was trying to desnarl my hair and condition it and the knot slice my finger like a knife a quarter inch long and equally deep. At least I only bled all over the shower.
I can't figure out my diabetes which is another reason I want that dexcom to track patterns. Yesterday I ate bad, pizza for lunch, potatoes and sweet BBQ sauce and very sweet baked apples for dinner, even some candy and cookies and mini quiches later in the evening. My sugar the next day after 2 weeks of 200+, it was down to 150 when it should have been 300. OMFG WHY?
Also I had a night of weird dreams. I woke at 3, went to the bathroom and got in bed again. I thought it was just a few minutes but I had fallen asleep some because someone got into bed with me. It was mom. I'm like mom why are you here? She didn't answer me. I wanted to roll over and turn on the light but sleep paralysis had other ideas. I hate that (and yes it's sleep paralysis NOT demons, fucking Zak Bagans.)
Then I dreamt mom had me washing dishes and I managed to cut straight the tendon in my right index finger with a chef knife. Well thanks for nothing brain.
Fannish 50 Tuesday - I don't have much rolling around in my head right now so let's talk first fandoms. I'll show you mine and you show me yours. Star Trek and Star Wars but it was the latter I saw in the theater for my 10th birthday and immediately came home and wrote terrible mary sue self insert Han Solo fic. What do you want? I'm 10. Now I did by the time I was 13 belong to the ST/SW fan clubs and they did occasionally showcase fan work but I was far too young and far too bad for that.
My real first fandom as we'd consider it today was Elfquest. By 1982 I was involved in the fandom. Back then fan art and fan fic went hand in hand and I miss that SO much. You belonged to a Holt, a small group and every story was farmed out to an artist for at least one if not more pieces of art before it was all pasted into a paper zine and mailed to everyone. Yep, that's right, you got everyone's mailing address. (At least we were a little less hateful in those days) EQ did NOT allow you to use the actual characters so everyone had their own original elves. I was in dozens of holts (and oh did I mention the art, yeah it wasn't just for the stories, artists got their own showcases).
What it taught me was community. I learned to write with others because you were using someone else's creation to interact with your own original characters. It was what we call shared world writing these days and it was fun for the most part. Occasionally, it wasn't because yes of course there were cliques and big name fans and you were on the outside. That was disappointing ranging to hurtful depending on the who and when and which holt. But for the most part it was some of the best times I've ever had in fandom. It lasted until the late 90s when the internet happened and EQ was nearly 20 years old.
So what was your first?
Also speaking of hateful
I wish people were less hateful So far no one has bothered me for liking Hazbin/Helluva but I do want to know how social media and the anonymous nature of it has gotten to the point where people feel comfortable with suggesting creators be killed because they don't like what they're putting out. I would love to be that creator some day with a fandom falling me (which okay unlikely at this point but still, it's the dream) and I would hate to know people are out there wishing me dead.