Dec 29, 2024 19:53
it's been a day. My uncle has been rehospitalized after falling at home. Mostly he's been noncompliant and has fallen multiple times and now has so much fluid around his brain he needs to have it tapped. Not even sure he'll survive that. His home is two stories with the main house up and the apartment below with a will-kill-you-if-you're-not=careful staircase in between. He keeps going up and down in spite of being on a walker and it's like OMFG why?
In the meantime in somewhat better news we went to visit my favorite older gen cousin who (sigh) has been put in senior living because she has the beginnings of dementia and is a fall risk (she put herself there willingly unlike my uncle who is refusing to go to one)
It was a very nice visit. A puppy tried to eat my necklace and a resident wouldn't stop hugging me (He's a 66 y.o. with down syndrome among other things, barely verbal) My cousin warned me he loves hugging and so he did. A lot. Me, mom, dad, my cousin.
And then it was a nightmare are the pharmacy when my insurance did it again, refused to cover a med they have been covering all year. It doesn't work that well (Januvia) and was 550$. I'm like keep it. I'm not even going to bother with switching it. I'll talk to my endocrinologist and just have her d/c it for me. And somehow I'm out of toujego refills
mia vita pazzo,
diabetes blows,
family crap