I've had many amaretto sours

May 27, 2024 23:27

Ah open bars. It was a LONG day. So long. Good but long. The seminar speakers were very interesting, especially the bioarchaeology one and the migraine ones. The seminar part of this is now over. I didn't win a door prize, oh well.

Tomorrow (way too early) starts the workshop part of this. They are very much the more important part of this to me. It'll give me things I'll be excited to try in my classes (and I might actually do it though I tend to get all charged up and then by august have forgotten it all)

I did get a couple chances to talk to the professor who guided me around on my first year at my current uni (my second year of teaching) It was very nice getting to talk to her again.

After all that bad weather yesterday today was gorgeous. I took a small walk and that calzone place I doordashed was literally TWO doors down from here. Geez. fees well spent I guess. Had them again for lunch.

conferences, vacation, my adventures

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