
Apr 23, 2024 23:08

So my university announced today we're reviving our football program (lost in the 50s) and marching band. They're banking on this adding a lot of students and it probably will ( Read more... )

fannish 50

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Comments 2

danaewinters April 24 2024, 20:26:25 UTC

I agree - it can be a perfectly good story, but if there's excessive/bad spelling and grammatical errors in it, it throws me so off I can't enjoy the rest of the story. I would add on, just FINISH the series, if you leave it on a cliffhanger, or with tons of loose ends never resolved. I can't tell you how often I got into a book series (or TV show even) that got really exciting, then...nothing. Take your time with it by all means, so it's well thought out, but DO finish it. That's my thing.


cornerofmadness April 25 2024, 01:57:34 UTC

Yep so very agreed.

I agree about the series too. Sometimes (books/tv) it's out of their control about finishing but if you can that would be great. I do know some people purposely abandon stories on AO3. Sometimes they feel the need to get it out of their files and yt don't have the whatever to finish it. So long as they tag it that way I'm okay (that way I can avoid)


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