What is time anyhow?

Apr 03, 2024 23:31

So I know I wanted to do the story I didn't do last unconventionalcourtship because that story blurb was perfect for Gil/Jess Prodigal Son story but then I couldn't FIND it again. I could swear I had it but nope but as I was giving up I thought maybe I put in the blog talking about the community last round. And there it was.

BUT then I found myself bitching about a Faith/Connor/SPike story that I couldn't find all of last year and then found and found it was BAD. I've had it at my bedside, thinking I did this like last October or something not a full YEAR ago. OMG (still bad)

Last night it was 1:30 AM and I'm digging out the fan tower because it's SO HOT in the house. This morning the temp dropped and now it's like 32 out there. WHY?!?

I am also pretty nauseated. I'm not sure why.

What I Just Finished Reading:

Innocent in Death by JD Robb, One of the worst ones in this series. My God. There was an ENTIRE subplot that existed literally to make Eve a jealous bitch.

Light Camera Bones - some mystery set in Mississippi which is why I said yes to this Arc (for my 50 states challenge) and in spite coming in on book twenty freaking seven in a series, I was impressed. Okay the end was stupid and there was too much repetition here and there but really it was good.

What I am Currently Reading:

The reformatory (still, forever)

Falcon's Favor, a self pubbed fantasy I got at a steampunk con

Blood Justice by Terry J. Benton-Walker still might DNF my first arc ever

What I Plan to Read Next: I went over on the top on graphic novels at the library so that's what's up next


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