On the drive home

Jan 11, 2024 23:52

I had 4 hours to think. I had something I was very much looking forward to participating in but I thought it over. There was the displacement of the con mods by a more or less hostile take over after a couple disgruntled volunteers led a smear campaign with zero proof of anything. And I'm like why should I do this now? I loathe everything that happened so there's yet another thing I'm not going to get to do and the disappointment roll right on (at least I won't have to finish up that cosplay in a rush).

I'm also trying to decide on two winter shows that are freaking mid-week. One is 40 miles away in Athens (Cirque du soleil) and the other is 90 miles away in Columbus that I really want to do but I'd have to leave work FLY up the highway for this Renn faire in the Columbus Science Center at 6 pm and leave in time to go to my lab on friday...ugh (Now I'm feeling my age)

Challenge #6

In your own space, share a favourite piece of original canon (a show, a specific TV episode, a storyline, a book or series, a scene from a movie, etc) and explain why you love it so much. . Post your answer to today’s challenge in your own space and leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

This is timely as this week is The Owl House's 4 years old. This is my latest fandom (which sadly got canceled after the second season but was allowed to do 3 hours of S3 to wrap up the damn cliffhanger). My current icon is Luz, the main protagonist. This was a Disney animation (of all things) There isn't a character I didn't like. The world building and story line were far more sophisticated than I expected in a show aimed at the 13-16 crowd (Luz is 13) in fact, break downs of the episodes on Youtube I've used as part of my how-to write posts, that's how good the story telling was. Also the villain is one of the best, most believable villain I've seen in a long time (I'm jealous he's not mine)

What did I love about it? Everything. Luz is the outsider at school (well that's all but cliche at this point but still it resonates with many) but she's also a Latinx bilingual bisexual. And she ends up in another world (which is a trope I don't even like normally) and that's not the thing that hooked me. It really was we have a female character of color as the protagonist and she's bi. She ends up with a girlfriend (Amity) by the end of S1.

We also have her mother figure, Eda whose curse can be read as a chronic illness and her former/future lover, Raine is nonbinary and everyone respects their pronouns. Luz makes friends with Willow and Gus. Willow has two dads. Gus is a character of color. Eda's sister, Lilith is asexual. Willow is pan and one of my favorite characters, Hunter (who enters in S2) is bi as well. Hunter is also used to illustrate the dangers of gas lighting and parental abuse.

So we have a show with great rep where race and all sexualities are normalized. It's a shame it was canceled. Disney thought there was little interest. They admitted after Comicon last year that they made a mistake seeing the size of the panel attendance and cosplay. (I'm currently doing Eda in her PJs as we're around the same age but her normal day clothes include heeled boots I can't do because of my own disability also because it's fun to run around a con in bunny slippers) I DO have to wonder if certain political pressures on Disney for being so woke had a role in the cancellation. I am sorry to see it gone.

I hope that there is new life to it somewhere and I'll be honest unlike a loud section of fandom I don't really want it 20 years down the road with Luz et al's kids. There's a time skip that could be rich with stories or right after the time skip when they start college. Or maybe some books. Ah well. Until then there's always fanfic and fan art. There are multiple artists out there doing daily comics (they are impressive)

snowflake, challenges

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