January continues to be the worst

Jan 09, 2024 22:07

Had I been an hour earlier posting this I wouldn't have the worst news of the day. My cousin (Dad's side, his age) passed away after a fall a few weeks ago (always seems to go that way with the elderly). Honestly I probably met him less times than I have fingers and toes so I'm not really all that effected by this but Dad is. (And I do, of course, feel bad for his children who I barely know at all if I'm honest).

I wanted to go see something important to me today but the weather sucked. It cleared up when I said it would but going still didn't happen. Wanna bet it will be too awful tomorrow to go? (And I leave on Thursday)

No one who NEEDS to get back to me at work has and I'm getting very annoyed because this is important (a deleted class is still showing up with the same 2 students in it that were supposed to be removed in Nov.)

I finally called Spectrum to get my new internet set up. But in spite of being told it was in my area by my former landlord's son (who got it for the RV park next door) Spectrum can NOT find my apartment complex. They can see the coverage area but the numbering doesn't fit. I THINK they're seeing the RV park. I have no idea really. They want ME to contact my landlord to see how the apartments are divided but I'm not even sure what that means....and I doubt they know what the former landlord did.

mia vita pazzo

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