A day in cosplay

Oct 07, 2023 23:31

You'll have to wait for pictures as it's a few minutes to midnight and I'm pretty tired. I've never been to the Charleston WV convention center before. It is NICE and I lucked into the handicapped spot right at the door practically. All I had to do was toddle in wearing my bunny slippers. The line in was long but you have to expect that.

I do, as I always do, bee lined for the vendor's room to buy things I don't need. I DO wish they had had more of schedule online because there was a The Owl House photoshoot like a half hour after opening so I missed that (that said I only saw two others dressed that way other than me) Had I known I might have gone down and spent the night but then again maybe not.

It is, actually a rather small con (though growing) and a lot of the vendors were more general 'Japanese' junk than specific anime. There was some Attack on Titan and Jojo (which I dislike intensely) but there were others that were individual artists. I wasn't going to buy any t-shirts. I bought one. It was King looking super cute. I was going to buy one for Evil Little Dog BUT all they had were XS, 3X and 4X. Ain't no one fitting in that first and unless I wanted to get ELD a ballgown the others were out (even on me that 3X is HUGE). I found a soulmate (her words) getting a couple Buttons for the Owl House (another super cute King and of course, Hunter).

I also bought a comic book from the artist and (shoot me) a piece of wall art that I absolutely do not need but I found it so compelling I want to write a story based on it. A few people got my picture but the real highlight of the day was the young man (I'd say 13-14) in front of me at the button stand (which did not have any cards or online presence that I could find) telling the artist how much he loved The Owl House and suddenly looked back and saw me. EDA! You even have the mug!!! It made his day and that made mine.

I read a few books at the traveling Carolina Manga library and donated about a dozen of my books to them. I need to really sort through my books again so I can donate more. I'll be honest I need to do that in the worst way and she was thrilled to have them (I was given some donor stickers). They had a copy of a webtoon new to me (they're all new to me)
The Little Trashmaid, Vol. 1 A wordless toon telling the story of a young mermaid living in an ocean filled with trash.

On the weird side, they came through the line to register with an offer of a schedule and a free graphic novel. Naturally I said yes. Me and the young man behind me are like what the hell? (his girlfriend didn't get it) It was Ayn Rand's Red Pawn. What a weird thing to be giving out.

On the downside (for me) were the panels. When it was in Huntington (pre-Covid) they got in creators, voice actors etc and right now they aren't. That's fine. I'd be happy to hear fans talking but just not these topics. I listened in to one on music but only caught the tail end. Kpop followed and sorry I'm not a huge fan. One on cosplaying and social anxiety which I'm glad was there but not really my issue so...and one about doing a panel but it was so basic (this is how you do powerpoint) that even though he was entertaining I didn't stick around for.

But just as well because I had a Halloween party at a cabin in the woods about 100 miles in the opposite direction (I drove over 200 miles today). I came home briefly because the high for the day was like 53 degrees and it was going to be colder and I wasn't wearing a) skirt b) bunny slippers outside in the woods. I came home traded Eda (and that horrible wig) for (another horrible wig) Vulcan who could wear a coat and pants.

Just as well, it was 37 degrees as I drove home at 11 pm. I got to see friends and talk and drank the host's homebrewed beer (he's good, won awards) they're all part of my steampunk group. I'm jealous of this cabin. It's one of those life goals sort of places for me.

It was a good day but now I am very very tired.

conventions, holidays, cosplay

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