Punched in the face

Oct 05, 2023 22:45

that's how I feel. So the reason we aren't working on the other tooth is just what I thought. It needs a crown too and my insurance pays for one. (see you in January upper left tooth) The dentist was running way behind BUT my ebook mystery I just started was pretty engrossing so fine whatever. I will say it was a rough one. This tooth is way back so getting an x-ray sucked it (and they cut my lips trying to jam the bite wing back there).

My tooth wouldn't go numb (common with me) but finally it was ground down (and boy he held onto my jaw HARD this time probably to keep me from gagging on that goop to make the impression) Now my face feels punched hard. One more visit to go. My insurance only pays half so here' 600$ and I got my contacts today too which was another 120$.

Another story rejection came in today but they were kind enough to say I was in the top 15% so I appreciate that

I need to call the vet. Rocket's tail is healing but the 40$ I pissed away at Tractor Supply is killing me. That particular anti-flea med has done NOTHING. He's completely covered in fleas. I want to see if they know anything that does work around here (we're seeing high resistance)

I got the last bits for my costume including a third wig. I tossed the small wig (well put it away for something else) and tried fitting these two together and spiking it. Luckily the dollar store had a lot of craft crap I had no idea they had (they also have pregnancy tests which...scares me) so I was also able to find an owl christmas ornament, a bit too white for Owlbert but at this point who cares. I attached him to the wig (after I basted the two of them together so pray for my stitching this weekend) and I propped Eda's spikes on the owl. This wig is gonna weigh a ton. I am terrible with working with hair.

my jaw

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