Foodie Regret

Sep 07, 2023 23:01

Well I had to get up earlier on my day off than I usually do to get to the doc. She did get annoyed I wasn't hurrying faster to the orthopedic surgeon with the knee issue and I explained why I'm dragging ass on it. Mostly I was there just to get my meds so I go twice a year. From there I went to the coffee shop and just like at the one near the school, they have this big fall drink menu. Both didn't HAVE the apple related ones. Side eying both shops. If you don't have it yet don't write it on the menu. I mean these are hand written affairs.

I came home for a few hours (got some writing in) then went back to Jackson to meet a friend I haven't seen in a couple years to ask her some questions about roller derby (which we never got to in 2 1/2 hours of catching up, snort) We went to Michael's for ice cream. Regret number one. I got the bourbon caramel pecan ice cream and this is why I disagree with Ben & Jerry (this isn't theirs) we don't need all the mix ins. the nuts were soggy and mushy. Blech.

It was wonderful seeing her though. We need to not let so many years go by. We're only 40 miles away.

From there I had no time to go eat before my next thing and it turned out it was first thursday (the activities the town has to get people down there) and there was a food truck. Naughty Lobstah. My regret was instant. 25$ for a food truck lobster roll....It was yummy mind you but damn that price.

The last thing we had going on was a lecture on the Hopewell people and their mounds (I live in the mound builders land) I loved that the young man doing this refused to do what we're being pressured to do in Ohio. He said we refuse to ignore what was done to these people and put up a graphic showing from 1745 -1755 how much land was stolen. in 60 years it was all of Ohio so yay for not buckling to far right pressure (as this is a red state).

What was interesting that I didn't know about the Hopewell was a) how to tell their mounds from the earlier Adena people (mostly they had tall but simple structures, Hopewells made complexes of smaller ones) b) that the Hopewells made circles intersecting with squares and they are consistently 20 acres. that was fascinating (and definitely lends some credence to the idea these were religious structures)

Thankful Thursday - thankful I won't wait 6 weeks to get my tooth fixed

Community rec - spook_me because it deserves more looks

I got my fourth story rejection this week


I don't look too bad here



Bonsai goals

picspam, my adventures

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