All the little tiny peeper frogs are just singing it loud.
I'm not sure I mentioned that my aunt (technically one of mom's bffs) has been doing poorly. Finally (in spite of all of us trying to get her to go the doc) she finally did, mom had to go retrieve her from the ER which did jack. She fell as mom tried to help her into the house which in a way was a silver lining because now the hospital had to take her and actually do something.
Now she's in a home for PT which mom was helping research but they ended up putting her in a home that she didn't ask mom to look up and called screaming how horrible it was and why didn't mom warn her (and prejudice girl, her actual niece called to do the same and I'm like did you tell them both to fuck off. This isn't your responsibility?) Well today she's changed her mind and loves the home and her roommate (the one silver lining in covid, I had no roommates!) Honestly I've been saying for a while Aunt S2 needs to be not necessarily in assisted living but in a senior apartment complex. She would do SO well in that setting vs being in that big old home alone.
House hunting in my neck of the woods is hard but I found the perfect set a horror movie. What is the worst part? Maybe the well of souls. My dad, being a sarcastic bastard, says I'll give you my leaf blower for the upstairs. It's the perfect house for you because you won't have to keep it clean. Side eyes him. See for yourself
here. And here we go again. Almost 80 today but it's falling fast. High tomorrow? Expected to be 40...