13 flakes of snow

Jan 25, 2021 22:46

still more than what I got here. I saw the allergist for my breathing test. Zero change. The meds are working. My breathing is still only at 70% of capacity. SIGH. And my ear is no better but he did give you a letter to see if I can get my vaccination early as OH is rolling them out badly. Barely have first responders and 80+ done, let alone other elderly and teachers.

I've been meaning to put my Prodigal Son thoughts here so before I get even further behind

S2E1 - Things I liked: the crime of the day was good. Frank Harts's acting in his police brutality/BLM scene was amazing. You could feel the fear and anger, (especially the former afterwards as he realizes the ramifications of everything). Izzy's sex dungeon (life goals). Malcolm hanging his head when he realizes his friends don’t share his enthusiasm for weapon’s collecting. Malcolm wielding the flogger (sorry you do it too well to NOT be into it)

Things I hated- EVERYTHING ABOUT NICHOLAS ENDICOTT! Where do I even begin. For one I wrote meta about how idiotic it would be to hide Endicott's murder (if you want to see it let me know) But how dumb is Ainsley that she doesn't wonder how her perfectly clean brother could possibly have murdered Endicott while she's there soaked in blood? Are we to believe she's SO disassociative that she doesn't remember anything until the next day? It could happen but she seems to believe Malcolm murdered Endicott and cut him up (See next episode) And then Malcolm hands himself to Daddy Dearest (now Martin can fuck his kids over if he wanted to) and it turns out the advice is to cut up the body and hide it. Okay if that's where they left it then I would have been fine with it. But no, they take his body to ESTONIA where anyone investigating can see Malcolm either hired a plane at the time or went there himself (this is just the writers being oh so clever and for me it's a HUGE misfire)and you can figure that out even as a first year investigator (not to mention going to buy plastic sheeting and a circular saw!) New York has SO MUCH woodsland why in the fuck would you move the body out of the country and then hide it SO BADLY it's found mere months later and is still identifiable as Endicott. This is just to manufacture unnecessary drama and almost made me drop the show immediately (My love of the characters and the actors are the only thing keeping me going) And now I have to face my favorite character being a complete idiot (so much for his forensic knowledge)

Dani victim shaming Gil and blaming Jessica for his injuries was just horrid. I know we’re supposed to be seeing her as afraid for her father figure but this was just wrong. It came out wrong I love Dani but this made me nothing but sad and disappointed. And then we have Malcolm torturing a suspect (mentally), Martin loudly talking about the murder in front of a patient (and all the fart jokes/mental illness jokes which are SO bad in a show that is usually so respectful

Things that were weird: I’ve never been a fan of the hugely over the top stuff Malcolm sometimes does, like fighting a killer on a ledge and taking a call while dangling on a rope holding him up with one hand (especially when it was obvious that he didn’t have a tether later but I did like the call back to his father’s tether). No one questioning how Martin knew ECT would work on Jerry (i.e. he electrocuted him and was surprised when it didn’t kill him). Jackie, who loved Malcolm like a son, thought he was cursed (that depressed me).

S2E2 Things I liked: Again, the crime. I thought it was well done. It was fun. The young man, Norman, who was possessed did an amazing job on it. I liked Friar John’s character. It’s interesting to see Martin make a friend. It’s like the show realized it was underutilizing Sheen. I was even okay with him being outside exercising on his tether.

Enjoyed the kids teasing Mom about dating Gil. Does he let you wear his turtlenecks? Snort.

Dani and Malcolm’s talk and how tired she looked (and her own BLM issues) were really good and it addressed that hideous Goya painting in his loft.

Things I hated - I really wish we’d move Edrisa off the flirting. It plays into a bad Asian stereotype which yes the character was originally Scottish but now that it’s been cast with Keiko maybe it’s time to switch that up a little. It’s getting very uncomfortable (I mean to the point someone should be calling in HR)

Still with the Endicott thing. It’s killing me

Yes she heard Dani and admits it but she treated Gil badly here. Is it me or did they have a huge narrative flaw in the whole Gilica thing? Like fly a 747 thru this hole. Malcolm notices that Mom has a thing for Gil (even if Ains doesn't), even insinuates he thinks she's in a relationship with Gil. In one day Jess dodges 7 calls from Gil prompting his visit. That all tracks. then Gil says I know you visited me in the hospital because I saw the guest book (I've never been in a hospital that has those but nursing homes do so okay maybe it’s the rehab hospital) that means he wasn't yet conscious. That's months ago (since we know months have passed) So....how would Malcolm think Mom likes Gil if they've NOT interacted since he regained consciousness and rehabbed? Why would Gil suddenly blow up her phone and rush over if they've had no contact since the guest book? On one hand it looks like they were together (or at least very friendly) for weeks and now we have them out of contact until that moment. Thoughts?

and then we have the upcoming episode which looks good but then I saw this article Mild spoilers there but let's leave it as some hot shot interpol agent is going to be investigating Endicott. DO you hear me screaming? It's horrible. So we have these possibilities a) he finds nothing and the case goes cold (the only acceptable one to me) b) Mal or Ains breaks and confesses and the show ends c) Malcolm lets him frame someone

In your own space, tell us about 3 fandom resources you use or enjoy. (One or two is fine, especially if you're in a smaller fandom!) Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Okay I rarely if ever use a lot of fandom resources period. It's just not my thing. One of the few I DO use is Forever Dreamings Transcripts Because my memory is bad and I need help and I don't have time to rewatch everything again and again. I will say for Prodigal SOn they're a bit bad. No attribution to who said what but that's okay. That part I can generally remember.

Wiki fandom is another I occasionally use.

Not really a resource but a fun thing we might want to use to help others, the charity auction site fandomtrumpshate

And my friend spikesgirl58 had another drabble challenge in 100 words use the following words. Family, Scan, Restrict, Bridge, Teach, Skin

I wrote a Prodigal Son drabble

Gil scanned the headmaster’s office, throttling back his rage. It was always something with the Whitly family though nothing that happened to Malcolm was his fault. Malcolm sat in the corner, head down, bruises on his skin. He’d been beaten up again. The parents of the bullies were there but Gil knew there’s be no teachable moments here. Families this wealthy thought the rules didn’t apply. There’d be no repercussions, no bridge to understanding, probably wouldn’t be until they managed to truly hurt Malcolm. If he were Jess, he’d restrict access to Malcolm. Maybe one day she would.

snowflake, challenges, fanfic

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