Another fresh slice of hell

Dec 01, 2020 22:09

It started with a dream that absolutely pissed me off (don't you love how you can wake up irrationally angry over something someone did in a dream?) evil_little_dog made me furious. We had a chance to go on some adventure trip with Lou Diamond Phillips and his brother and I was so excited. It was a boat trip on a river and when I say boat, I mean like an intimate ( Read more... )

mia vita pazzo

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spikesgirl58 December 2 2020, 14:47:16 UTC
REally? I've never put metal beads over my nipples. How strange. At least it is over and done with.


cornerofmadness December 2 2020, 15:50:03 UTC
yeah they're markers like I said. It makes sense to use them because a nipple can roll and look like a suspicious density but man the glue on that bead's tape strip


spikesgirl58 December 2 2020, 16:44:55 UTC
My place has never done that. How strange.


cornerofmadness December 3 2020, 02:53:15 UTC
it really depends on the clinic I guess. I have so many different responses including one where she has to have rows of these beads on tape over her mastecomy scars (because again it could look suspicious on mammo)


spikesgirl58 December 3 2020, 13:04:55 UTC
That makes sense.


shanachie_quill December 3 2020, 01:23:46 UTC
I've never had it either. My place does the 3-D mammograms which I appreciate with my family history.


cornerofmadness December 3 2020, 02:28:39 UTC
it's interesting between here and other places I put this. It's hit or miss as to who does this and who doesn't.

I'd be interested in the 3-D mammo


shanachie_quill December 3 2020, 02:29:41 UTC

The best part is it isn’t that bad. I guess you have to find out if your plan covers it and where you can get it done.


cornerofmadness December 3 2020, 03:12:34 UTC
that's good. if the interwebs are rght then I'd have to go to Cleveland Clinic...


shanachie_quill December 3 2020, 11:48:02 UTC
I have no idea how close that is.

I mean it's still squishy, but no sticky.


cornerofmadness December 3 2020, 20:18:04 UTC
true, Cleveland is as far north east you can go. I'm as far south east as you can be without being in WV/KY


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