Happy Halloween!

Oct 31, 2020 22:54

I hope you had a nice Halloween, probably quiet though some of you might have had things to do. If I lived closer to Athens I would have gone with my steampunk group to this giant Halloween drive thru display for the kids but i couldn't see me driving an hour there, sit in my car to hand out candy and drive back.

I didn't realize that it was on a Saturday until after I had bought something of a costume for work. Well I didn't get to wear it there but I put on my horns and went grocery shopping. One lady came up to me and said you can't see it under my mask but I'm smiling SO big. Several of the stock boys loved it and the guy working the register said are you the devil today. I said I'm the devil every today but today I can wear my horns. He laughed and said you sound like my two ex wives and then he read my driver's license for my beer as 1987 (keep that up dude and I might be evil ex wife #3)

I also wore my horns to get my pumpkin hazelnut latte at my local coffee shop, to CVS and to Sonics for fifty cent corn dogs.

I came home reluctantly as today was gorgeous, perfect for a hike after 10 days of rain. It hadn't a cloud in the sky. Weather is weird to me. But I had bought tickets for the Abney Park Halloween concert and debut their new album today. It was great though (they might do one for New Year's) I decided what the hell, and dressed up in my steampunk gear as if I was actually there.

I really needed to clean this house and get some of my winter clothes out (tomorrow night is supposed to be in the 20s) but I failed. I wrote instead. I will have to borrow some of nano for that and I will have to borrow some of my word count to finish that damn buffy story that will need a beta.

I did however get this for my big bang and I love it!!

Still hoping more people will find and read it though.

And I did get my Halloween dragons for reasons.

holidays, steampunk, picspam, fanfic

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