This was an odd appointment

Oct 15, 2020 23:33

First I stopped at Spirit Halloween but forgot this was the one I went to last time (for some reason I thought it was a different one). All the outdoor stuff was completely picked over or insanely overpriced. Really 20-30$ for a single styrofoam tombstone that'll blow away. I can get that for 5$ at Big Lots. I DID get a talking creepy doll. I'm pretty happy with that. I'll have to buy the animatronics online if the shipping isn't a fuck ton of money.

So I get to the doctors and apparently half the patients are waiting in their cars. I'm like do you want me to do that? Should I do that? I was less than impressed with the wait and his staff. And yes, his. I have NO idea what's up with the Jackson posting which has him as Britton William (and I clicked a link that I can't find today that had a young woman) but when I double checked the addy in Chillicothe, it was William Britton. He is a middle aged man and a little ...odd. Hell he came to see me and his staff STILL hadn't taken an x-ray of my tooth. Then he asks me what I do and I tell him. He was muttering about not wanting to do a crown yet because my gums are inflamed and maybe I need probiotic tx in my mouth and the oral steroids are going to cause issues. I'm ready to bang my head.

Then he comes back with a little hard cover book about jaws evolution and thought I'd be interested in it. He gifted it to me. I'm interested. There are 3 reactions to learning I'm a doctor a) get excited b) get defensive (like I'm out to trick them or something) c) no real reaction. He was A. Talked forever. He (and the authors of the book) are convinced a lot of current jaw issues are because of the different way babies feed suckling a bottle vs breast. Honestly that's not as misogynistic as it might sound but I'd like to see the studies before I'm convinced (and well I have the book).

Anyhow I already know that I grind like hell and have a malocculded jaw He explained how night time grinding could be 9-10 times the pressure you'd put on your jaw consciously and how apnea can make it worse. He wants me to try a different type of night guard. If it's not $$$ I might.

To that end his staff put this thing in my mouth to take a picture of my entire jaw which was like having a...banana in length and width for like 10 minutes ugh.

He started the repair but a young woman finished it with never introducing herself (I'm assuming she is a student doc).

So on one hand proactive and concerned on the other hand weird staff.

I wanted Buffalo Wild Wings (hot stuff I could taste with my numb mouth) but they had an hour wait for take out. Bite me. I got sushi for tomorrow, toddled home, wanted KFC (since it was late) but there were 12 cars in line. Gave up got an Arby's gyro and came home to more grading. And boy is my jaw sore now. Those needles feel like harpoons. I'm a little hungry but I can't get my mouth around those yummy panera bagels.

mia vita pazzo

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