Glad this wait til monday

Oct 05, 2020 23:24

I had a good weekend but last night I can say I had my first covid nightmare (presented as a zombie apocalypse) and woke up with a very high sugar which crashed out in lunch. We just changed our mask policy. We were allowed to remove them if we were socially distanced. We no longer can. I need to drink to keep my blood water content right (diabetes messes with that) so this will be fun. I have long straws. I'm going to need them up under my mask. Much of the faculty is acting like a baby about it.

Today's Blackboard nightmare wasn't mine. One math professor's calculus class was canceled by ANOTHER professor but neither of them actually put out the notice that went to students (we think it activated an old notice but I'm not sure how/why

And it's happened. Lawsuits are being filed over how shitty the software is (not at my school) but once the lawyers start suing the schools, we're all fucked.

I finally moved past the scene I was hung up on BB. I'm still worried I won't get it done though. Still can't get moving on that Buffyverse story with a political demon. Sigh.

mia vita pazzo, work

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