August's reads

Aug 29, 2020 22:49

Since there were SO few of them I'm adding them to a mish-mash post. But just wait til next month when I go off on a book I just hit 75% into it and the big reveal is the reason the villain can hear the ghosts of lynched black men and is killing to avenge them is because he's PoC too and it's never mentioned anywhere else in the book and oh he's an albino but his mother didn't know sunlight was dangerous to him and t hat's why he's killing people in their dreams but his name isn't Freddy Krueger. And she's written 70 books selling millions. SOBS.

I took today off and working on my writers group critiques and my YA novel Splinters of Silver and Cold Iron. I need to figure out how to fix it. I think it's broken.

And the last of the fandom meme

Z: Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go Fandom means a lot to me. I've gone rhapsodic about it many times before. I haven't, however, had time to talk about that first falling in love with fandom and being there from the beginning because I've never been in on the ground floor. This past fall Prodigal Son changed that. It's funny because the first episode almost lost me half way in but by the third episode I was writing fanfic. My earliest stuff got kudos galore because there wasn't much OF the stuff. Now I'm more in the 20-50 kudo range and that's for not really shippy stuff (I do notice regardless of fandom shippy shit gets the most attention. What that says about fandom I'd rather not speculate on).

But I'm in that crazy in love phase of fandom. I'm reading the fic. I'm writing the fic. I'm stalking the art. Hell I'm BUYING the art. I'm making all kinds of new friends. Hell they even got me on discord for god's sake. I'm old enough to be their mother for 90% of them. I know not all of them will be around forever. Each fandom I enter I end up with another few dozen friends. In a few years, most of them have moved on but some remain. Some have remained for 30 years now. That is the joy of fandom.

Fandom can lift your spirits. It can give you confidence (yes it can do the opposite but this is me singing praises). How good does it make you feel to have people begging for sequels? Is there anything better? Take my story from last night Regrets Are Like Ghosts a JT Tarmel - Malcolm Bright story (Not Brimel though I have written that) In one day two dozen kudos and a half dozen or more requests for a sequel. Yes I'm smiling. And somehow I'm now at 103 stories check them out.

Can't lie. There's always that day dream that one of the showrunners will see a fanfic and ask you to write an episode. Yeah it'll never happen but then you think maybe just maybe...because it has happened in some places.

Have a few fandom recs. Not many this week.

Lucifer Maze & Linda

As I Surrender unto Sleep Brightwell

And finally the books

A Calm Before Storm a Richard Castle graphic novel

The Mandalorian Armor Star Wars

Bonds of Brass SF, LGBT

Call Down the Hawk urban fantasy

meme, challenges, books

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