Last Day

Aug 25, 2020 22:26

Today was my last day at the parents until Christmas. Didn't do much (I mean what is there to do). At least nothing else blew up at work so there's that.

I've been catching up with Lucifer S4. I like parts of it but there is a lot of it that is wince worthy which is disappointing.

I finished fixing up my masks but I wish I didn't need them. I'm so not ready to go back to work. I'm worried. Hell I'm worried about me in general. Last night my asthma was so bad (pollen) that it was like trying to sleep listening to a flute concerto with all the whistling.

I need to make the following appointments asthma doc, allergy doc, dermatologist, gastroenterology. I have not been taking care of myself.

Nothing much else to say so here have a little more of the fandom meme

Y: What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?

Oh there is so many. I'm not even sure I can think of them all. Let's see, Man from U.N.C.L.E., Miraculous Lady Bug, Hetalia, Merlin, Peeky Blinders, 911, 911 Lonestar, Stargate Atlantis, The Guardians, Iron Fist, gundam seed, inuyasha, critical role,babylon berlin, boardwalk empire, the hunger games

meme, challenges

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