
Jul 21, 2020 23:55

Indigo is a rich color that is associated with a variety of things including: magic, experience, truth, dignity, virtue, dreams, profanity, inferiority, imagination, luxury, wisdom, spirit, destiny, elegance, intuition.

The world is full of magic things,
patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper -W.B. Yeats

I'm going to launch right into this because today was as depressing and boring as yesterday and no one needs that.

dreams. I have weird ones (just check my 'these dreams' tag) I'm not sure I put much stock in dream interpretation via the books. I think it's far more individualized than that.

As for magic, I've been interested in magic, druidism, wicca etc since the 80s. Have I see magic? I've seen patients survive when they shouldn't have? This past week I saw a comet not seen in the heavens in 6800 years and tonight I saw the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto thanks to a friend's timely post. I have touched ancient Neolithic cromlachs and felt the hum of the stone. I've seen the enigmatic smile of a cat. I have written a 1000 words in a half hour and they were good.

This is all magic. I believe in weirdness and badness too after an event in 1992 after which I've had nothing but bad luck (don't believe me there's over a decade of this journal take a look). I've had psychics and witches tell me I was cursed. Some days I can believe that.

I was talking to evil_little_dog about Indigo trying to think of fannish things. She pointed out that blue jeans were originally made with indigo (which could be a fatal process). I don't however think jeans when I think indigo. Plants, yes, Indigo buntings yes, jeans no (also not a giant fan of them anyhow). I've already used Roy and Riza's blue uniform and then she and I were talking my new potential cover and it hit me, MANY of my book covers have indigo as I love blues and purples.

The cover that reminded me of this was Modified and Sacred I love my cover for this and just how well this novella did in spite of it not really having a 'romance' cover. I made a nice chunk of change from this (and still can, this p ublisher actually pays me)

And here. are all my covers. My Soldiers of the Sun series have indigo uniforms (I still love this series even though it sold like crap. I do need to get my rights back to this) I feel the same way about Blood Red Roulette which has a kicking cover (and went over like a lead balloon in spite of being vampires in Vegas, another one I want the rights back for)

SO I'm a fan of my covers.

Basically just this morning glory at my parents' place which I think is beautiful

picspam, original fiction, challenges

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