Writerly Ways

Jul 19, 2020 21:09

On the way here I was thinking about what to say and the answer was character inconsistencies. I've been watching Almost Paradise mostly because a) I want to see some of the Philippines (which it might not even be that but I think it is) b) I like Christian Kane. I'll be honest, this isn't his best role. He's playing this character one note, angry all the time. But I hadn't see the first eppy until I came home and ironically found that I must have set the DVR to record ALL episodes regardless of which run it was. But it isn't Christian's character, ALex that's inconsistent (well he is but I didn't know that until today), it's the lady cop, Kai Mendoza who flip flops between liking Alex and hating him. But now that I see the first episode so does the semi-corrupt chief of police.

I was wondering was there a reason for this but there is none and that's what bugs me. It's one thing to waiver for reasons but when there seems to be none it makes your viewer/reader wonder what is going on. I've now seen about the first 6 episodes and a few of the later ones and there is no reason given for how these characters are portrayed.

Alex, as I found out today, has high blood pressure (secondary to stress) and was kicked out of the DEA because of a mental break down (no pension, and barely any disability checks which already seems fishy) but after the first few episodes we don't see the blood pressure issue and what I think is meant to be PTSD and anxiety is presented purely as anger and lashing out. (As good as Prodigal Son does mental health issues, that's how badly this show is doing it) but even that isn't done consistently.

More annoyingly Kai's character is in his face belittling him and yelling at him and telling him how much they don't need him and in a different episode, she's more buddy buddy and concerned but there seems to be no trigger for any of this. These inconsistencies feel like bad writing.

So I guess what I'm saying is if you're going to do this, give your audience a reason for the character's wild swings in temperament or it just feels bad.

I did (obviously) make it home. It's so hot. Nearly three hours later and I still can't get this apartment under 80 degrees and it was nearly 100 when I hit the parking lot. (and let's not forget humid AF).

Have some links

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