What a day

Jun 10, 2020 21:45

I woke up with every part of my spine hurting and then I sliced open the inside of my cheek. I then had a four hour meeting online. I will have to do social distancing in my classroom which makes it impossible to hold some of my classes and labs. I'll have to come up with hybrid courses online and face to face. And that's IF we can be in class. If ( Read more... )

my stomach, mia vita pazzo, work, my back

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kiramaru7 June 11 2020, 03:00:08 UTC
I'm glad talking it out helped! And it's not annoying at all! Any time you need an ear to listen, I'm here! :D (It helps me too.)

I'm sorry you had to deal with a pain in your spine & one in your tush (your online, not online classes. XD) I hope you're okay & don't have another ulcer! My Granny who's diabetic was saying the other day that meat was also making her feel sick to her stomach, but it was the only thing keeping her blood sugar up.I wonder if you were going through something similar. Maybe too much of a good thing?

I saw last night on the news about the storms! They could hit us too!

Feel better! *huggles*


cornerofmadness June 11 2020, 04:01:41 UTC
thanks. I definitely enjoy talking out plot issues

thanks, the pain is better now at least.

hmm my thought about meat is that it's harder to digest and diabetics often have gastric paresis (i do) which slows digestion more and nausea is a common side effect.

good luck. luckily this was fast and nothing got hurt but there was rotation over my favorite winery


kiramaru7 June 11 2020, 13:20:50 UTC
You're welcoem! :D I do too whenever I'm stuck! It somehow gets the brain going & I find I can get unstuck which is a big help as I'm a pantser who starts at the beginning & goes to the end. XD

That's good! I hope it totally goes away.

Aaaah... that could be what's bothering her too. Thanks.

Thanks! I'm glad no one was hurt! Hopefully the winery is okay! The wind was picking up something fierce when I woke up, but it settled down (I don't hear the trees rustling anymore). The sky's overcast & it's cooler than it was yesterday, so who knows? We could have just missed things or it could still be coming & we'll get RAIN. XD


cornerofmadness June 11 2020, 15:22:47 UTC
You and me both on how we approach a story (looking at you Prodigal Son Big Bang)

thanks. The pain is pretty good today.

You're welcome. I may eventually have to have a pacemaker put in my stomach

thanks, me too. the winery is fine as there was no touch down. Do you need rain? I have happy SImpsons' clouds out there now


kiramaru7 June 11 2020, 17:32:23 UTC
*nods* It makes sense to do it that way. Old timey story tellers had to start somewhere & I'm sure they didn't jump around while telling a story, especially a brand new one. XD

You're welcoem! I hope it gets better.

Yeah? They put pacemakers in stomachs?

You're welcoem! Oh good! :D Rain is always good! :D Here, it can't make up its mind whether or not it wants to rain or be sunny. It's rather windy here, which usually means rain.


cornerofmadness June 11 2020, 20:26:10 UTC

Yeah paresis is caused by diabetes killing off the nerves that move the stomach

we're sunny now but it rained hard yesterday


kiramaru7 June 11 2020, 21:58:48 UTC
You're welcome! :D

Oh. I didn't know that, so yeah, a pacemaker makes sense.

Nice! Here, it's been POURING off and on all day. XD One of the flower baskets was sooo HEAVY from the rain & it pulled the shepherd's hook over. XD I just went out & fixed it. XD (It was during a dry period)


cornerofmadness June 11 2020, 22:10:00 UTC
it's not one of the better known issues of diabetes

oh my, that was my yesterday. Poor shepherd's hook, hope the plant was okay. It got so hot the day before that i lost a tomato entirely


kiramaru7 June 12 2020, 00:39:37 UTC
*nods ( ... )


cornerofmadness June 12 2020, 01:48:20 UTC
Glad the flowers were okay. I could use that soil. I have some weird potting soil that is so light it just floats away

that's good. My tomatoes were grown from seeds and are tiny so that's why the heat wiped out one of them. My zucchini on the other hand are monsters and I grew them from seed too. The watermelon is MUCH slower.


kiramaru7 June 12 2020, 02:21:16 UTC
Thanks! A pity we couldn't trade a flower pot full, eh? :D

Thanks! I have a few tiny ones that even with a drink in the morning, they're still wilting by afternoon. I just gave them all another drink when I went up to make some tea. XD Thirsty lil boogers! XD

Ooh! Zucchini!! YUM!! :D

That watermelon is waiting for the perfect summer day in August to get nice & fat & sweet! :D


cornerofmadness June 12 2020, 02:52:10 UTC
Yeah I need to water more. I suck. that dead tomato is on me

I do love me a zucchini

I have NEVER had a watermelon work out. So if I get something I'll be shocked


kiramaru7 June 12 2020, 03:00:26 UTC
Me too! My indoor plants tend to live in drought conditions. XD It also doesn't help that I have a ton of plants scattered around the house. XD

Me too! :D I like to cut it in coins & quarter them & fry them in olive oil with onions & garlic. When the onions are clear, & the zucchini is a lil softish, I add chopped plum tomatoes & "Italian" spice mix, cover & cook for about 15, 20 minutes. :D

Then let's hope the watermelon gods are listening & this year, you get the perfect one! :D


cornerofmadness June 12 2020, 03:48:39 UTC
your plants and mine!

mom makes something like that actually.

thanks, here's hoping. with my luck it'll all just die


kiramaru7 June 12 2020, 17:53:05 UTC

Yeah? Cool! It's really easy & very tasty! :D

You're welcoem! NO!! It'll live & thrive & be awesome! :D


cornerofmadness June 12 2020, 19:33:48 UTC
My parents like it

well looking around that greenhouse I think everything might die. I'm not sure it's working


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